March 19, 2024
ABMC Conditions of Play
Code of Conduct (Rule 1): All members must follow the directives established by CNRSW for the Admiral Baker Golf Course, i.e. 8:00 AM observance of colors; adherence to appropriate dress code; and respectful behavior between Admiral Baker Golf Course staff and fellow competitors.
Bunker Rakes: All members are asked to place bunker rakes outside bunkers and parallel to the fairway.
No Play Zones (Rule 2.4): Relief must be taken from the following areas:
Flower bed on South Course, #3 Hole;
Sod farm on North Course between Holes #2 and #17;
Environmentally protected areas on the North Course between Holes #6 and #7 and Holes #13 and #14.
Staked trees and white circled areas in the “General Area” of the course.
Power Lines (Rule 11): A ball deflected by striking a power line or tower anywhere on either Course must be played as it lies.
GPS Systems (Rule 4): Devices which measure distance and direction only are allowed to be used during ABMC tournaments.
Winter Rules: Relief will be determined and announced by the tournament chairman prior to start of play.
Abnormal Course Conditions (Rule 16): Immovable obstructions, i.e., electrical or water structures, concrete structures, aeration holes, utility roads, fixed sprinkler heads, are considered abnormal course conditions and free relief is allowed.
A-6: Penalty Areas (Rules 17 through 19): In order to speed up play, if a ball is hit into the ice plant on the right side of the cart path on Hole #18, relief may be treated as if the ball went into a red-staked area. Relief of two club lengths from where the ball entered the area, and no closer to the flagstick, may be taken. A one-stroke penalty is incurred.
E-5: Alternative to stroke and distance for a lost or out of bounds ball: If a member knows, or is virtually certain, that his ball is lost or out of bounds, he may drop a ball two club-lengths into the fairway from where the ball crossed the out of bounds area (reference point) and play it from that relief area. Two stroke penalty.
F-5.1: Relief from line of play interference by an immovable obstruction (Greenside Sprinkler Heads (Rule 16): A member may take relief without penalty from a greenside sprinkler head if the sprinkler head is within two club lengths from the green and the member’s ball is within two club lengths of the sprinkler head.
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